Abstract : porosity of die castings caused by air entrapped into the liquid metal in the shot sleeve is common problem of die csating process 文摘:压室中气体卷入金属液内而造成压铸件内部气孔是压铸过程常见的问题。
Compared with the classical bp algorithm , robust adaptive bp algorithm possesses some advantages as following : ( 1 ) increasing the accuracy of the network training by means of using both the relative and absolute residual to adjust the weight values ; ( 2 ) improve the robustness and the network convergence rate through combining with the robust statistic technique by way of judging the values of the samples " relative residual to establish the energy function so that can suppress the effect on network training because of the samples with high noise disturbances ; ( 3 ) prevent entrapping into the local minima area and obtain the global optimal result owing to setting the learning rate to be the function of the errors and the error gradients when network is trained . the learning rate of the weights update change with the error values of the network adaptively so that can easily get rid of the disadvantage of the classical bp algorithm that is liable to entrap into the local minima areas 与基本bp算法相比,本文提出的鲁棒自适应bp算法具有以下优点: ( 1 )与鲁棒统计技术相结合,通过训练样本相对偏差的大小,确定不同训练样本对能量函数的贡献,来抑制含高噪声干扰样本对网络训练的不良影响,从而增强训练的鲁棒性,提高网络训练的收敛速度; ( 2 )采用相对偏差和绝对偏差两种偏差形式对权值进行调整,提高了网络的训练精度; ( 3 )在采用梯度下降算法对权值进行调整的基础上,通过将学习速率设为训练误差及误差梯度的特殊函数,使学习速率依赖于网络训练时误差瞬时的变化而自适应的改变,从而可以克服基本bp算法容易陷入局部极小区域的弊端,使训练过程能够很快的“跳出”局部极小区域而达到全局最优。
This girl , he continued , looking at me , knew no more than you , wood , of the disgusting secret : she thought all was fair and legal , and never dreamt she was going to be entrapped into a feigned union with a defrauded wretch , already bound to a bad , mad , and embruted partner “这位姑娘, ”他瞧着我往下说, “沃德,对讨厌的秘密,并不比你们知道得更多。她认为一切既公平又合法,从来没有想到自己会落入骗婚的圈套,同一个受了骗的可怜虫结亲,这个可怜虫早已跟一个恶劣疯狂没有人性的伴侣结合!